SBA Supporters
The SBA would not be here if it was not for the support from several organizations. These supporters have helped the SBA either through helping in providing services or financial contributions to the SBA.
Aerodyne Labs
Aerodyne Labs is an engineering consulting company that specializes in near space and space hardware. Aerodyne Labs has provided in-kind and monetary support to the SBA including web and engineering support.
Iowa Space Grant Consortium
A part of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program since 1990, the ISGC continually strives to improve and inspire Iowa’s future in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The ISGC supports NASA-relevant STEM research, education, and outreach activities for all Iowans with NASA internships, fellowships, scholarships, competitions for grants within higher education members (with NASA Mission Directorate alignment), and informal education grants with outreach affiliates. The ISGC is primarily funded under NASA Award No. 80NSSC20M0107.
ISGC has helped the SBA promote materials to the Space Grant Consortium and has helped in the past in hosting the Academic High Altitude Conference.
Become a Supporter
If you would like to the SBA, there are several ways to support us. First, you can always become a member of the SBA. Please click on the membership button below to be taken to our membership page. Another way you can support the SBA is by donating to the SBA. And finally, if you think you would like to support in another way, then please fill out the form below. We appreciate any support we receive as we work towards our mission.