Academic High Altitude Conference Proceedings
All AHAC Proceedings are stored at the Iowa State University Digital Press. You can access this digital repository for free at the following link - https://www.iastatedigitalpress.com/ahac/
If you are looking for where you can submit papers, please also use that link. All papers are managed through that site.
AHAC Proceedings
Published May 31st, 2024.
The Between Eclipse Remote Conference was held in January of 2024. This conference did not require manuscripts. However a Book of Abstracts can be found in the link below.
Published September 24th, 2022
AHAC 2020 was held remotely and as such the no paper, no podium policy was relaxed. The conference proceedings include those that opted to submit a manuscript.
Engineering HAB Success. Iowa State University, Ames, IA (June 26–28, 2019)