SBA Committees
The Special Projects Committee works on short-term projects, grant applications, and research-based projects. Committee members will work on grant applications and projects that help to promote STEM education in higher education, K-12, and the general public.
The Scholarship and Awards Committee works on developing scholarships and awards for those doing work in high-altitude ballooning and other stratospheric activities. This committee will also be the committee that evaluates applications for these awards.
The Public Relations and Membership Committee works on tasks to help promote the SBA, STEM education, and high-altitude ballooning. This group will also develop methods to help attract new members and provide feedback on membership fees and benefits. Finally, this group will be charged with making sure that high-altitude ballooning remains accessible to all by monitoring and providing feedback to regulations affecting high-altitude ballooning.
The Education and Outreach Committee works on developing a curriculum that can be used by K-12 and higher education institutions in order to promote STEM education in these institutions. The committee will also help to develop outreach activities that can be used by a wide group of people.
The Events Planning Committee is there to help develop and organize events hosted by the SBA. This includes the Academic High Altitude Conference (AHAC) and the Great Stratospheric Ballooning Competition.
The Publications Committee helps to manage digital publications such as conference papers and the Journal for High Altitude Ballooning (JHAB). Committee members will help to serve as reviewers and editors for these publications.