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AHAC 2020 Keynote Speaker - Dale Lawrence

  • Stratospheric Ballooning Association (map)

Hypersonic Flight in the Turbulent Stratosphere (HYFLITS) In-Situ Measurement Experience

Keynote Speaker - Dale Lawrence

Dale Lawrence is a professor in the Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences department at the University of Colorado in Boulder.  His recent interests center around design and control of vehicles and sensors for improving and lowering the cost of geophysical measurements, ranging from Air-Deployed Micro-Buoys for ocean surface and subsurface sensing, to the DataHawk small unmanned aircraft system for observations in the atmospheric boundary layer and lower troposphere, to the HYFLITS balloon system for characterizing dynamics in the stratosphere. 

September 19

AHAC 2020 Morning Panel - Ballooning during COVID-19

September 19

AHAC 2020 Poster Session II